Clinic Ratings of Dr Nakul Shah
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5 Clinic Ratings of Dr Nakul Shah Clinic Ratings of Dr Nakul Shah AboutMyClinic
Dear Dr. Nakul Shah, I have no words left in my dictionary to thank you. This day 6 months earlier I had to undergo an ACL reconstruction surgery. This was something huge about to occur in my life and I had almost lost the courage to face it. But with each consultation visit of yours, you made me get more and more comfortable. During the time of surgery, I was so nervous, but you whooshed all of that nervousness and the fear. Your kind and warm gesture just made me forget the trauma that I was going through. Post those three and half hours of surgery, when I was moved back to my room, you came put your hand on my head and said "Bala kasa vattay". That was so comforting. You always had my back no matter what. I had lost faith in myself and was looking forward to the following visitations. Every time I met you, your gesture, your warm words, yes those things help me believe myself once again. I would not have been able to recover so fast without your help! Thank you so much for helping me get back on my feet once again!
Akshat Shaha, Patient, Dec 14, 2019
To the best doctor I have met so far in my life who treats his patients as his family and always with a smile on his face. Many thanks for treating me so well, I will always remember my first ever hospital experience in a good way just because of you. Thanks again and all the very best sir for your future endeavors.
Neha, Patient, Dec 6, 2019
Words of gratitude by the patients of Dr. Nakul Shah who had undergone Knee Replacement.
Sushma Doshi, Patient, Aug 12, 2019
Because of Dr. Nakul Shah I am living a painless life. I was suffering from rheumatic arthrities for last 20 years and when i had taken the decision of going forward with knee replacement i was worried and scared of the operation as i have two sons hence was worried about their and mine future.
Vaishali Shukla, Patient, Feb 26, 2019
My husband met with an accident his right elbow had 8 fractures . It was really a very serious issue and worse to understand and solve. We felt blessed and fortunate to be referred to dr. Nakul Shah . He is Kind, caring , attentive, has lots of patience and i must say his abilities are unmatched.
Uttamsingh Manakoo, Patient, Feb 26, 2019
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