Looking for right treatment from joint problem and painCatch up with Joint Replacement surgeon in Pune Dr Nakul Shah on Zee 24 Taas at 3:30 pm on 11th...
In a recent broadcast of Zee 24 Taas program "HITGUJ" knee replacement surgeon Dr.Nakul Shah provided his expert insights on Knee/ Joint replacement t...
#SnappingHipSyndrome (#SHS) is a HipDisorder wherein a person may hear a snapping sound or feel a snapping sensation when they move their hip joint.SH...
Are you suffering from joint pain??Catch up with Joint Replacement surgeon in Pune Dr Nakul Shah on Zee TV Aarogyacha Password at 3:00 pm on 23rd Jun...
Catch up live with Joint Replacement expert in Pune Dr. Nakul Shah on Zee 24 Taas at 3:30 pm on 16th May for an informative session on the ‘GOLD KNE...
Are you having hip pain?Then you can check this detailed talk show Hitguj program, Zee 24 Taas with joint replacement specialist Dr. Nakul Shah on com...
Dr.Nakul Shah, one of the highly experienced joint replacement surgeons in Pune enlights users of Hello Doctor on nuances of joint replacement surgery...
Dr. Nakul Shah, Head of Joint Replacement and Reconstruction Surgery at the Sanjeevan Shashwat group Hospitals Pune was interviewed on Zee 24 Taas pro...
An expert in the field of joint replacement surgery, Dr. Nakul Shah Orthopaedic Surgeon having special interest in Advances in knee and hip joint repl...
Dr Nakul Shah is going to share his expert views and help the viewers of Zee 24 Taas Hitguj on Unicompartmental knee replacement (partial knee replace...